Dunn’s Peacock Spider – Maratus pavonis: 1 – A Little Male a-Roving!

Maratus pavonis aka Dunn’s Peacock Spider, (Male)
Maratus pavonis aka Dunn’s Peacock Spider, (Male)
Maratus pavonis aka Dunn’s Peacock Spider, (Male)
Maratus pavonis aka Dunn’s Peacock Spider, (Male)
Maratus pavonis aka Dunn’s Peacock Spider, (Male)

Maratus pavonis aka Dunn’s Peacock Spider
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Arachnida
Order: Araneae
Family: Salticidae
Subfamily: Euophryinae
Mount Barker, South Australia – Longleat Property – October 17th, 2014 – on a warm, sunny day in the flower garden

Photos: Michal Dutkiewicz
Text: Michal Dutkiewicz & extra additions by Karin Dawson

When Karin Dawson invited me up to photograph Feather-legged Assassin Bugs (As featured on a David Attenborough documentary) and this Peacock Spider, I still couldn’t believe that we had one of these colourful Spiders here in South Australia! – There are a number of species of the Peacock Jumpies in Australia. They are members of the Jumping Spider family Salticidae, and this is, as far as Karin and I can ascertain, the only species that occurs here in South Australia.

Only the males are brightly-coloured. The species occurs from South Australia around the southern east coast of Australia, including Tasmania, and there is a slightly brighter variant with a slightly different abdomen from Western Australia that Jumpies fans from those parts might want to keep a look out for. I wish we could have gotten closer shots, but he was moving very quickly …

Karin observed the female to be about 8 mm long, and the male was only 4 mm long; a big discrepancy in size, but certainly not unusual in the the spider world.


2 thoughts on “Dunn’s Peacock Spider – Maratus pavonis: 1 – A Little Male a-Roving!”

  1. Hi Redterrain – My friend Karin has these in her garden in Mount Barker – If she has them in such a prosaic and unassuming place as her garden, who knows how widespread they are? – In any event, Salticidae (Jumping Spiders) come in such an abundance of species, that I am certain that, wherever you live, you’ll be able to find an enormous number of this Peacock Spider’s relatives, even if they may be less brightly coloured! – But then again, you may find even brighter ones near you in profusion!


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